The Bollywood babe and Babuji item girl Yana Gupta suddenly came in highlight after her famous wardrobe malfunction flashed out recently. This happened when Yana Gupta attended at the event during this weekend organized by an international Children’s charity show. Yana Gupta was reportedly wearing a black dress during the event and by surprise its discovered that she was not wearing any innerwear .She tried her best to cover her private part with some unusual pose but she couldn’t survived from the camera and the damage been already done. Though at first Yana was not ready to give any photos when she came from her car but later the photographers seem discovered something special.
Yana Gupta Call it hiding embarrassment or acting without thinking, but Yana Gupta, who was caught without clothes under her dress laughs off the whole situation and says that she should rather do an ad for an underwear brand. Yana says, “I used to be known as an item girl. Now I will be known as a no-panty girl. I should do an ad for some underwear brand with a tag line saying: 'I've got them NOW'." Yana was caught on cameras while attending a children charity event recently. She also details that how the whole wardrobe malfunction happened. She says, "For past three weeks I have been rehearsing for a particular dance television show. While doing all the splits and various crazy dance moves, I kept getting irritated by my panties getting stuck in my ass. Now imagine at all times I am being shot by cameras as I rehearse so it just didn't look good that after every crazy step I'm trying to adjust 'myself'. So I thought I'll sort out the issue by simply not wearing undies as I wear pants for rehearsal".
She even tells everyone to stop looking at those pictures of her, as whoever looks may get a heart attack! She ends saying, “That day I had no time to go home after rehearsal in order to make it to the charity event. I packed my bag in the morning, put my makeup, dress, shoes in it but guess what I forgot! Yes I openly admit...I did forget something 'slightly' essential to pack. I just pulled my dress down every few steps, but it didn't help! I had no clue it could be seen. I had no clue till I saw the pictures today, now should I cry over this?" Well, that’s what you call guts! Do it and also say it openly, it seems that people are more embarrassed than her!
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