Sunny Leone has been paid Rs 5 crore by a producer. She isn't doing any new films post her upcoming film Ragini MMS 2 and item number in Shootout at Wadala.
Sunny Leone has signed a three-film deal with producer Parag Sanghvi (last film 24/7) for a whopping amount of Rs 5 crore. It is learnt that the adult movie star’s contract with the filmmaker has a clause stating she cannot do any other film till she finishes her three-film deal with Alumbra Entertainment (the production house).
That probably also explains why the actress is not taking on any new films post her upcoming Ragini MMS 2 and an item song in Shootout At Wadala. It is being said that the clause has put her in a fix as she is getting several offers but is not being able to consider because of the restriction.
However, Sanghvi denies that he is standing in her way of signing new films, “We share a very cordial relationship and there’s nothing that can’t be sorted out over talks. There’s no clause banning her from shooting for any other film till she doesn’t complete her films with us. She knows that if there are any such hurdles, we can mutually work around them. She is a professional and I am sure that she will not let the commitment to one film affect another one. It’s her call completely. We plan to finish off three films in two years.”
As for the remuneration of Rs 5 crore, he shakes his head, “Sorry but I can’t talk about that.” The filmmaker is reluctant to reveal anything about his upcoming projects with her as well, “It’s too early to reveal any details. We start shooting after three months and we are still in finalising stages. The first film will be on the lines of a thriller, is all I can say at this point,” he adds.
Sunny Leone has signed a three-film deal with producer Parag Sanghvi (last film 24/7) for a whopping amount of Rs 5 crore. It is learnt that the adult movie star’s contract with the filmmaker has a clause stating she cannot do any other film till she finishes her three-film deal with Alumbra Entertainment (the production house).
That probably also explains why the actress is not taking on any new films post her upcoming Ragini MMS 2 and an item song in Shootout At Wadala. It is being said that the clause has put her in a fix as she is getting several offers but is not being able to consider because of the restriction.
However, Sanghvi denies that he is standing in her way of signing new films, “We share a very cordial relationship and there’s nothing that can’t be sorted out over talks. There’s no clause banning her from shooting for any other film till she doesn’t complete her films with us. She knows that if there are any such hurdles, we can mutually work around them. She is a professional and I am sure that she will not let the commitment to one film affect another one. It’s her call completely. We plan to finish off three films in two years.”
As for the remuneration of Rs 5 crore, he shakes his head, “Sorry but I can’t talk about that.” The filmmaker is reluctant to reveal anything about his upcoming projects with her as well, “It’s too early to reveal any details. We start shooting after three months and we are still in finalising stages. The first film will be on the lines of a thriller, is all I can say at this point,” he adds.
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