Anushka has made a dent on the industry with her marvelous performance in films ‘Arundhati’ and ‘Vedam’ which makes producers obsessed with this 30 plus heroine. Later, she had 7 consequent flops (Billa, Panchakshari, Kedi, Thakita Thakita, Khaleja, Nagavalli and Damarukam) in her record, yet producers have not lost confidence in her. That’s when she comes-up with block buster movie ‘Mirchi’ with Prabhas directed by Koratala Shiva. One success was enough for her to become a busy star again. Now she is simulteneously doing films ‘Bahubali’ with Prabhas, historical lady oriented film ‘Rudramadevi’ in Gunashekar direction, film ‘Varna’ in Selva Raghavan direction. Producers of these 3 films have collectively invested a whooping amount of Rs.185 crores on her, which is a fine example for the producers’ confidence on her. While, Rajamouli’s Bahubali is being made with Rs.80 crores, Rudramadevi and Varna are made with an estimated budgets Rs.50 and 55 crores simulteneously. She is shouldering entire responsibility of her two films Rudramadevi and Varna as both the films are heroine oriented and story revolves around her character in the films.This underlines that the producers won’t hesitate to dump a 100 crore to make films with her, though they are well aware that her success rate is very low. This is merely because of her marevous acting skills and beauty quotient. Probably no other heroine except Nayatara in the indutry would have enjoyed this much obsession by the industry.
Anushka is pairing with Prabhas in period film Bahubali. She is acting as Rudramadevi in her other film. She is now taking training in horse riding for these two films. Her other film ‘Varna’ is also especially designed keeping her image and acting skills in mind by Selva Rghavan.
So far she did 23 Telugu films and currently doing 3 more film in Telugu and 12 in Tamil during her 9 years of film career, an average 4 films an year including both languages. She did 8 films in year 2010 in peak of her career. But quite surprisingly 6 out of her 8 films were bombed at box office. (Kedi, Panchakshari, Thakita Thakita, Khaleja, Nagavalli and Ragada). Yet the craze for her in the industry never dies, instead it raised furthernew heights with her latest projects.
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